New Pattern New Blog?

I am toying with the idea of abandoning this blog and starting a new craft related one pertaining to my etsy store. It would basically be the same, just called Jackaruu instead of forever ongoing. Not sure though ..... Anyways I've finished writing and testing the new frog prince pattern. I did a little photo shoot of the two frogs I've finished, but am not totally happy with the results. I need to fnd a better background or have my husband take a photo of them in my hands. They look cute with their legs dangling. Right now my husband is working on our kitchen reno and i am trying to keep my cool while hanging out with jack, though it's been rather difficult this afternoon. He has closed his room and is holding up in there with his soothers..... supposed to be only for nap time. I've got two baby blankets on the go now and am going to start a modile for our room/baby corner soon so I'm keeping busy. Okay gotta see what my little one is up to!